My Korean Product Daily Skin Care Routine (Day & Night)

My skin isn’t the most perfect out there. Previously, I suffered from severe cystic acne that thankfully went away (except for the occasional cyst occurring once in awhile and of course, some small pimples that I can deal with compared to cysts). But because my skin is sensitive and very acne-prone, including being combination skin with various parts being dry while others very oily, I’m very picky and careful with what products I use in my daily skin care routine. 

Since I lived in Korea during the time my acne got worse and my mother is Korean, she’s the one who recommended and ordered these Korean skin care products for me. Some were good, others made my skin worse, but I’ve gone through enough products to figure out what I like and didn’t like. Here’s my current routine that doesn’t break me out and keeps my skin hydrated and in top condition:


  • SKIN79 AC Clinic Anti Trouble toner
  • SKIN79 AC Clinic Anti Trouble lotion
  • ISA KNOX MX-II Platinum: Ultra Moisture Cream
  • ISA KNOX MX-11 Platinum: Eye Cream
  • Any lip balm (currently: Yes To Carrots Lip Butter)

The Process:

The first step in my skin care routine is to wash my face. I use various cleansers and rotate between three different ones (depending on the condition of my skin that day), so I won’t name them unless you guys want a review about cleansers. 

After washing my face, I actually don’t dry it with a towel. This is the most important step in keeping your skin hydrated and helping the products absorb into the skin. I keep the skin wet and pat my face to help my skin absorb some of the water. While my face is still wet, I apply one or two quirts of toner in my hands, pat that in the face and while my face is still a bit wet (but not as wet as earlier), I apply two squirts of lotion onto my hands, rub it in my hands to distribute the product evenly in my palms, and pat it into my face.

I learned this trick from a video where Miss A‘s Suzy was explaining her skin care routine. She wets her face and while her face is still wet, rubs some skin oil around her palms and pats it into her face to help it absorb. I tried to look for the interview where she talks about this but I can’t find it, but I’m pretty sure it’s her who said it (if not, I apologize and please correct me about it!).

After that’s properly absorbed into my skin and it feels nice and supple, I deal with my dry areas (my chin and around my nose, sometimes the area between my eyebrows). If those or any other areas are still a bit dry, I’ll use my ISA KNOX cream. This is my day routine, at night it’s the same except I’ll also use eye cream to help reduce eye bags and prevent any future eye wrinkles. 

After all that, I use any lip balm I have near me since my lips become dry and chapped easily. 

Product Reviews:


The AC Clinic Anti Trouble toner’s name is technically just “SKIN79 AC Clinic Anti Trouble” but it is a toner since it states so on the back of the product. It’s supposed to be “promptly absorbed without stickiness” and it’s definitely not sticky, but I’ve never experienced stickiness from a toner so it’s odd that they would state that. Anyways, it contains Unshiu Oil, which is extracted from a type of citrus plant, that helps to keep the skin healthy and clean from environmental factors (such as pollution, dust, etc.). This toner also contains Salicylic Acid (although I don’t know what percentage) to prevent any future breakouts. It’s actually very moisturizing, which is surprising for a toner since I usually experience dryness instead of moisture from any toner after it absorbs into the skin. That’s why I like this toner a lot, doesn’t dry me out, is moisturizing, and smells and feels very refreshing.

The 2nd product from this line is the SKIN79 AC Clinic Anti Trouble Lotion. This product claims to be a “soothing lotion caring trouble by keeping balance of water and oil” (not the best English, but excusable since this is an Asian product and I like it nonetheless). It’s an oil-free gel-type lotion that also contains Unshiu Oil, Beta Glucan (gives nutrients to the skin and make the skin smoother), and Hyluronic Acid (a natural moisturizer). 

This product isn’t too thick or oily and actually absorbs into the skin quickly. It takes care of my normal skin areas (my forehead and cheeks), but for my chin and nose, it’s not moisturizing enough so I also use a cream for that area.





The cream I use is the ISA KNOX MX-II Platinum: Ultra Moisture Cream. Apparently this product is pretty pricey (at least for me, at around $35USD), but my mom is the one who tried this ISA KNOX line, liked it, and bought the set for me to also try out. I also really love it. It smells wonderful (not that is has any artificial fragrances, but that it smells very pure and clean, if that makes sense), and although thicker and oily-ish, it doesn’t break me out. It will sit on top of the skin when first applied, but give it about a minute and it’ll absorb and feels great! Don’t apply too much at once though, or your skin could get too oily or clog your pores. It’s really great for those dry areas that are just too stubborn for normal moisturizers. 



That was my day routine. At night, I’ll use the ISA KNOX MX-II Platinum: Eye Cream for my under eye circles and the area near the ends of your eyes that crinkle when you smile (is that called your smile wrinkle area?). I used this cream just for the heck of it since it was sitting in my mom’s beauty product shelf unused, and I have to say I really do see an improvement. My eye bags have greatly diminished and although it doesn’t have any color correction properties, I feel like the color is less purple and prominent than before. I’ve also become a bit paranoid about wrinkles since I’m beginning to reach that age where your skin will start showing signs of aging if not taken care of (I’m 20 years old), so I make sure to use this around my eyes to keep it hydrated and prevent any future wrinkles. I like that this comes in a tube since it’s more sanitary and won’t taint the product as easily (unlike the ultra moisture cream, where it is in a tub). 



Last but not least, I always apply lip balm to keep my lips hydrated and supple. My lips dry easily whether in hot humid summer weather or in the cold winter months (probably due to my acne pills and birth control), so I always carry and use lip balm. The one I’m currently using and really like is the Yes To Carrots Lip Butter. It has an unfamiliar, almost odd smell but using the product, it’s very moisurizing compared to Chapstick or other cheap lip balm products. I got this on sale at Walgreen’s for $0.99USD, but I think the regular price is $2-$3USD. It’s worth the money (since I’m used to buying $1USD Chapstick). Most lip balms  are waxy and just sits on top of my lips, but this one actually absorbs (unless my lips are ultra dry in which it will just sit on top of the dry, cracked skin). 

I’m not sure if this product is available internationally, but I know the other products can be found online and shipped internationally (although I got mine shipped in Korea through Korean sites). 

Feel free to leave any comments if you’ve tried any of these products before or have an interest and have any questions about these products. Also, if there are any reviews you’d like me to make (such as about cleansers or other Korean beauty/makeup products).

Skin79 Haul/Mini-Review

My Skin79 beauty haul!

makeup edit1

I got this way back in the summer while I was in Seoul, in July I think. I haven’t done a review in awhile since I forgot where the pictures on my computer were till now.

I ordered this from G-Market and I had only ordered the Gold BB Cream, but in Korea always give away special freebies with your beauty purchases so my one order of Gold BB Cream included 4 mini Pink BB creams, 1 mini-rose lip gloss, and many beauty samples. This was all for just 23,000won (so roughly $20?). I think that’s a very good, reasonable price for all these products^^

pink bb cream

For the Gold BB cream, I had tried it before, so I already knew what to expect. But I had never tried the Pink BB cream, and now I really love the Pink BB cream more than the Gold one. The Gold BB cream is much more oily, which is good if you have dry skin or for the winter time when the air dries out your skin, but since my skin is already quite oily, it made my skin look more oily. Even when I powdered over it, a couple hours later it looks oily and the BB cream look more apparent on my face.

For the Pink BB cream, it’s less oily but still gives my face good moisture and it’s a good balancing formula. The BB cream isn’t that thick or heavy and it applies quite smoothly. I really do prefer the pink one and recommend it for people who have oily skin. I also think it made me break out less and helped a bit with my break outs!

bb cream

The free beauty samples I got with my order included other BB creams, including an Orange BB cream and some sort of Gold Snail BB cream. I heard for moisturizers, companies use snail goo, so it’s actually rather healthy and good for your sin. I think the Gold Snail BB cream is more focused on older skin, like anti-wrinkling and moisturizing (since older skin tend to be more dry, making it more likely to wrinkle). Of course, all the BB creams are anti-wrinkle and such, but I think the Snail one is more focused on that aspect than the other BB creams.

I’m not sure what the Orange BB cream is for, but I think it’s just for people who are more sweaty because of a busy, active lifestyle? Hahaha I am not too sure since my mom tried the Orange and Snail BB cream. She said the shade was a bit darker than her skin tone, so she preferred the Gold one over the Orange one. I don’t know if she ever tried the Snail one or not.

BB cream cleanser

I also received a loooooot of samples of Skin79’s BB cleanser, meant to be a cleanser for BB cream. I have to say, after using the samples I loved it so much that I ordered the actual full-sized product and I LOVE it! I didn’t take any pictures of me using the product, the at first it’s like a smooth gel-consistency that when you put onto your face, it turns into a bubbly foam. I usually use about three, sometimes four, squirts at the end of the day when I’m cleaning my face. It cleans off the BB cream without drying out my skin and it doesn’t make me break out at all. My skin is really acne-prone and although this product didn’t mention being for acne-prone skin, it doesn’t cause breakouts.

A definite recommendation for those who want to clean off their BB cream (I think it’d work well with foundation too, although I haven’t tried). I also used it to clean off mascara from my lashes and it does that too! Love it~ The only thing it can’t really clean is eyeliner since that’s way too near my eyes and I wouldn’t want to risk getting that bubbly foam in my eye.

This is my mini-review of my Skin79 haul. If you ever tried any of these products, let me know how they worked for you! I’m curious to know if anyone had as many good experiences with Skin79’s products as me or not~ Or I guess if you have any questions about the products just ask and I’ll try to answer^^